Hi all,
I have been testing proxmox (1.7, build 5323) the last couple of weeks and so far I am very happy with it.
I am considering using it on production on a couple of systems I manage (to replace Centos-Xens: having problems setting up some oracle guests with HugePages...).
I am just writing to share a small problem I had with this test environment, and how I solved it.
I have two network cards on this system, one that I use for regular traffic and the other for iSCSI traffic. As I believe it would help, I went on to try setting MTU 9000 on that storage network.
Having found this post, I changed my interfaces file accordingly. But as soon as I would bring up a guest connected to that bridge, even after configured the guest network card (inside the guest) with MTU 9000, the bridge would fall back to MTU 1500, and bigger packets would fail to pass.
Then I noticed the tap<guestid>xxxx interface on the host was being set up with the wrong MTU.
So I changed my /var/lib/qemu-server/bridge-vlan to something that would force the MTU on the new interface to the MTU of the bridge it will be connected to.
It seems to be working fine.
There must be a better way of coding this, and it could probably use some validations if it cant get the MTU, but I will leave that to some more skilled folks.
Best regards,
Bruno Silva
I have been testing proxmox (1.7, build 5323) the last couple of weeks and so far I am very happy with it.
I am considering using it on production on a couple of systems I manage (to replace Centos-Xens: having problems setting up some oracle guests with HugePages...).
I am just writing to share a small problem I had with this test environment, and how I solved it.
I have two network cards on this system, one that I use for regular traffic and the other for iSCSI traffic. As I believe it would help, I went on to try setting MTU 9000 on that storage network.
Having found this post, I changed my interfaces file accordingly. But as soon as I would bring up a guest connected to that bridge, even after configured the guest network card (inside the guest) with MTU 9000, the bridge would fall back to MTU 1500, and bigger packets would fail to pass.
Then I noticed the tap<guestid>xxxx interface on the host was being set up with the wrong MTU.
So I changed my /var/lib/qemu-server/bridge-vlan to something that would force the MTU on the new interface to the MTU of the bridge it will be connected to.
It seems to be working fine.
There must be a better way of coding this, and it could probably use some validations if it cant get the MTU, but I will leave that to some more skilled folks.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $iface = shift;
die "no interface specified\n" if !$iface;
die "got strange interface name '$iface'\n"
if $iface !~ m/^tap(\d+)i(\d+)(d\d+)?$/;
my $vmid = $1;
my $vlan = $2;
my $bridge = "vmbr$vlan";
[B]my $bridgeMTU = `/sbin/ifconfig $bridge | /usr/bin/tr " " "\n" | /bin/grep MTU | /bin/sed "s/MTU://"`;
system ("/sbin/ifconfig $iface promisc up [B]mtu $bridgeMTU[/B]") == 0 ||
die "interface activation failed\n";
system ("/usr/sbin/brctl addif $bridge $iface") == 0 ||
die "can't add interface to bridge\n";
exit 0;
Best regards,
Bruno Silva