VMware to Proxmox problem...(Qemu-img convert)


New Member
Dec 22, 2010
I started using proxmox few days ago, and i got some problems.

When im trying to convert vmware to proxmox ve from the document in the wiki pages
( http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Migration_of_servers_to_Proxmox_VE#VMware_to_Proxmox_VE_.28KVM.29 ) i cant achieve one part of it.

This is how i tried step by step;
1. First, I convert the VMDK files with "vmware-vdiskmanager.exe" as it says in this document.

* "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-vdiskmanager" -r win2003.vmdk -t 0 win2003-pve.vmdk

2. Then;
* Create a new KVM VM on Proxmox VE web interface and - do not start - take a look on the VMID (e.g. 102)

3. As it says in the text, i moved the file with WinScp to the following directory...
* Copy the win2003-pve.vmdk to your Proxmox VE server into the following dir: /var/lib/vz/images/VMID

4. But i couldn’t do the following;

* Change the win2003-pve.vmdk file to qemu format:

* qemu-img convert -f vmdk win2003-pve.vmdk -O qcow2 win2003-pve.qcow2

When i tried to execute this line on the newly created vm machine, (in the "Virtual Machine Configuration" section

under the "monitoring" tab) it says " VM not running " and also when i tried to execute that command in an open machine

it says " unknown command ". ???

I cant go further from here. What should i do and how?

The howto is generic, you have to replace the actual file created by proxmox with your converted image.
I.e. if you create an empty VM with qcow format, you will have something on proxmox hd like this:
(where 116 is the vm id)
so you have to do a:
qemu-img convert -f vmdk win2003-pve.vmdk -O qcow2 /var/lib/vz/images/116/vm-116-disk-1.qcow2
or something like that :)
i tried everything exactly the same as you mentioned but this time it gives me the following message ;
" could not open win2003-pve.vmdk".
So in this case what should i do ?

Note: when i execute
"ls /var/lib/vz/images/113/ "
i also see "win2003-pve.vmdk" file in it. but regardless it doest convert.

Thanks a lot...
I've confused... what version of proxmox are you using? (# pveversion, here pve-manager/1.7/5323).
In addition, you are mixing the file format stuff... do you want it to be converted to qcow2 or stay with vmdk? Because Proxmox can use vmdk directly (even if I've never used, since I always use .raw).
Let's stay with vmdk for this sample steps (of course, the preparation of the vmware image you have to do before try to run under KVM is still valid):
a) create a new VM from proxmox web interface, with "Image Format" vmdk. In my server it takes VMID 119 (in your test is 113, but of course changes based of the current number of vm created)
b) let's see what happens in the proxmox HD
proxmox:~# ls -l /var/lib/vz/images/119/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 327680 2010-12-25 11:07 vm-119-disk-1.vmdk
(ONLY that file is present)
c) copy your current vmdk VMware file there with the same name (i.e. # copy myvm.vmdk /var/lib/vz/images/119/vm-119-disk-1.vmdk)
d) verify that you will have the new file in that directory, and ONLY it (the previous one has been overwritten, if you didn't specify a wrong filename as destination of cp command)
e) start the vm from command line, to have a better error output in case something goes wrong:
# qm start 119
report back here if any error occurs and you have not been able to troubleshoot by yourself :)
Best regards
Dear mmenaz, thank you a lot ...with your help i succesfully converted the vmdk file ( without any trouble ) vm is working perfectly. From now on i can use my backup files from proxmox without any trouble.

Thanks again