CEPH desktop class HDD benchmark


Famous Member
Oct 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
This thread is not about any issue. Just sharing some benchmark results of one of my Proxmox CEPH setup with recently added HDDs.

There are 4 benchmarks with following setups. All benchmarks were done on same cluster with same nodes, with only difference in number of HDDs and SSD used:

The Setup:
Total Nodes : 7; 3 CEPH, 4 Proxmox. All HDDs are in 3 CEPH nodes and none in Proxmox nodes.
Network : 1 Gigabit; CEPH and VM traffic separated.
RAM : 32GB in each nodes.
# of CEPH Replica : 3
# of PG : 768
Type of HDDs for CEPH : Seagate desktops
Type of SSDs for CEPH : Kingston KC300
CEPH Journal Location : Co-located with on each HDDs

Benchmark command used :

# rados -p test bench -b <block_size> <secondsToRun> <seq/write> -t <numberOfThreads> --no-cleanup
blocksize used in command : 4096, 131072, 4194304
secondToRun used in command : 300
numberOfThreads used in command : 32

First bechmark : 6 OSDs on 6 SSDs, no HDDs
Second benchmark : 6 OSDs on only 6 HDDs, no SSDs
Third Benchmark : 8 OSDs on only 8 HDDs, no SSDs
Fourth Benchmark : 26 OSDs on only 26 HDDs, no SSDs

Of course this is not very exhaustive test. But it shows the logic that higher the number of OSD the faster CEPH performs. I stuck with desktop class HDDs to see the performance possible at lowest cost. Also i had the HDDs on hand. With 128MB cache Enterprise HDDs of course the performance will be higher with ratio being the same. I can already see big performance jump in all running VMs with 26 OSDs.

Anybody has some benchmark results to share with different hardware platforms they running?
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