Proxmox VE 3.2 released!


Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
We just released Proxmox VE 3.2, introducing great new features! More SPICE with spiceterm, Ceph Server integration, Open vSwitch and more!
Together with this release, we started publishing a new series of short video tutorials, e.g. "What´s new in Proxmox VE 3.2!".

A big Thank-you to our active community for all feedback, testing, bug reporting and patch submissions.

Release notes

Video Tutorials


Package Repositories
Best regards,

Martin Maurer
Proxmox VE project leader
Thanks for another pve release, packed with lots of new features, fixes, improvements.
And thanks for the new videos, too, they're always welcome :-) even if we'll miss martins voice a bit :-D

I just noted in that
"Update a running Proxmox Virtual Environment 3.x to latest 3.1" uses the same exact instructions/repos/targets as the new
"Update a running Proxmox Virtual Environment 3.x to latest 3.2"

so, as happened before the intermediate releases are no more obtainable, perhaps?

pve 2.1/2.2 at the time got then specific repositories targets,
but now 3.2 and 3.1 (perhaps even 3.0) use the same I guess: if this is true, should the wiki page be updated (or specific targets set?)

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Can a VM live migrate from 3.1 to 3.2 or does it require a full reboot?

My question also.

Additionally, Is the CEPH in Proxmox 100% unmodified and Proxmox just uses the API of CEPH? or CEPH is modified in some way to make it work with Proxmox?
You can update to PVE 3.2 use repo "pve-no-subscription"
hmm. really don't like the idea of using the testing repo for my servers. my wife will kill me if the servers crash out during the day leaving her with no internet or without plex/dns/automated backups/etc.


Thanks for poking me with a derp stick. I realized that I didn't have any PVE repos which meant I was not getting any updates from PVE at all....
Can Proxmox CEPH handle multiple cluster on same hardware? For example, in my existing CEPH node i have mix of SSD and HDD for 2 tier data storage. Both type of OSDs are on 2 separate CEPH cluster on same hardware.
Can Proxmox CEPH handle multiple cluster on same hardware? For example, in my existing CEPH node i have mix of SSD and HDD for 2 tier data storage. Both type of OSDs are on 2 separate CEPH cluster on same hardware.

No, only one cluster.
Congratulations Martin and team of developers, excellent and very professional work !!!.

Let me to do three questions to administrator project PVE:

1- In the Roadmap of PVE 3.2, I read: "Ceph Server (Technology Preview)" and "Open vSwitch support (Technology Preview)", also in the wiki of SPICE say "Proxmox VE 3.1 introduced Spice as a technology preview.", then do not you think that these features should be out of use in production environments?, ie out of this release?
(Although for me are excellent features when ready for use in production environments).

2- If Open vSwitch is as Technology Preview on PVE 3.2, should I be careful some things specially?

3- In PVE 3.1 and old versions, bonding balance-alb don't work correctly, inclusive with a Switch unmanaged (i believe that is a bug of Kernel), with Open vSwitch i will have the same problem?

In anyway I am very pleased with this product... :D

Best regards

Finally a great alternative for vnc that dose not support fullscreen SPICE,

I tried the folowing

on the VM, I switched ti Spice Monitor and installed the spice-guest-tools-0.74.exe, on Windows XP. ==> OK

On my computer, I installed the folowing virt-viewer-x64.msi (Win 7 64) ==> OK

I tried to open the console using Spice console on Chorme (and IE) it download a .VV file containg passwords, certificate, proxy etc....

unable to use that VV file with the remote viewer "C:\Program Files\VirtViewer\bin\remote-viewer.exe"

any help on this.


Finally a great alternative for vnc that dose not support fullscreen SPICE,

I tried the folowing

on the VM, I switched ti Spice Monitor and installed the spice-guest-tools-0.74.exe, on Windows XP. ==> OK

do not use this package on XP as the included virtio drivers are not working on XP. Seems you do not use virtio block harddisk as this would lead to a BSOD.
on XP, you need to install the needed drivers manually.

On my computer, I installed the folowing virt-viewer-x64.msi (Win 7 64) ==> OK

I tried to open the console using Spice console on Chorme (and IE) it download a .VV file containg passwords, certificate, proxy etc....

unable to use that VV file with the remote viewer "C:\Program Files\VirtViewer\bin\remote-viewer.exe"

any help on this.


you run an old version? => update to 3.2 and post your pveversion -v.
do not use this package on XP as the included virtio drivers are not working on XP. Seems you do not use virtio block harddisk as this would lead to a BSOD.
on XP, you need to install the needed drivers manually.

==>Not as simple as you think

on link provided on your wiki, i should go here :

there is two options

  • Windows guest tools - spice-guest-tools-0.74.exe
    This installer contains some optional drivers and services that can be installed in Windows guest to improve SPICE performance and integration. This includes the qxl video driver and the SPICE guest agent (for copy and paste, automatic resolution switching, ...) you seem to say I should Use the ones below, ok
  • Windows QXL driver
    This is not needed if you are using the Windows guest tools installer above. this work absolutly fine
  • Windows SPICE agent
    This is not needed if you are using the Windows guest tools installer above. this only contain the source code, vdagent-win-0.7.2.tar.xz is unusable on windows as it is

you run an old version? => update to 3.2 and post your pveversion -v.

I just used apt-get distupgrade last night Untitled.png

really thankful for your attention
The wiki page does not mention Windows XP, the instruction are for Win7, see

Also check the video tutorial - Install Windows 7 with SPICE

Execellent ! my bad, i folowed the video

the problem is when i click on console :

if i use VNC ==> the browser open a new window with java apelet ==> like ususal it's fine
if i use SPICE ==> the bowser download a file .VV named download.vv, it do not open any window (IE 9, chrome 33)

the file contain this
ca=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n4sSbnxUr67fKsY8jjJve67Wfgb2ue4BIXg+mrYtCRwUR783g2P0kff28qA==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n
host-subject=OU=PVE Cluster Node,O=Proxmox Virtual Environment,
title=VM 110 - dev2008

and yes I installed the

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if i use SPICE ==> the bowser download a file .VV named download.vv, it do not open any window (IE 9, chrome 33)

that's it: you just have to make the browser, whatever you use, open that vv file with virt-viewer (much like it opens pdf files with acrobat reader & such)
just keep in mind that .vv files can be opened in virt-viewer for a limited time, since they expire after 30 seconds (for security reasons, I guess).

You can update to PVE 3.2 use repo "pve-no-subscription"

I did that update last night on a new install of PVE from this weekend, using pve-no-subscription. Everything updated except for librados2-perl and pve-manager. I was really looking forward to seeing if I would have better luck with SPICE after the update, but without the updated pve-manager installing, I do not get the new SPICE entry under the Datacenter "options" tab.

PVE still shows as running this version: 3.1-21/93bf03d4

Any suggestions? Server has been fully rebooted twice since the updates. Still no luck.

