UI freeze when opening Storage tab if one of the NFS Share is not available


Feb 18, 2009

I had hoped this was fixed in 2.1 but if for some reason the an NFS storage is offline and you try to access it through the UI, the UI freezes up and the only way to get UI working again is to edit: /etc/pve/storage.cfg and comment out the nfs storage entries, then

do a
# service pvedaemon restart

Can this be fixed? Preferred behavior would be to alert the administrator that storage is offline and UI does not freeze up.

Hi,I can look at this bug.
when you say " try to access it through the UI", could you describe what action you are doing exactly ? (listing virtual disk, add a disk to a vm,...).
I'll try to reproduce it, maybe adding some timeout to actions should correct the problem.
Hi,I can look at this bug.
when you say " try to access it through the UI", could you describe what action you are doing exactly ? (listing virtual disk, add a disk to a vm,...).
I'll try to reproduce it, maybe adding some timeout to actions should correct the problem.

Hi Spirit,

Thanks for taking a look at this.

Step 1. add NFS storage to Proxmox VE 2.1
Step 2. shutdown NFS server or otherwise block connection to NFS server.
Step 3. Go to Storage View and click on the NFS storage you added in Step 1.
Step 4. Click on the "Contents" tab. <--- I am not sure if this is required but that is when the UI crashed.
I have see similar timeout problem with iscsi and pvestatd hanging.

they are already a storage_check_enabled function. (checking if enabled/disabled).
Maybe can we add a ping check for network storages ?

I'll keep you in touch
Hi again,
coudl you provide your nfs mount options ?

this is from my storage.cfg

nfs: IN-S1
path /mnt/pve/IN-S1
server <ip_address>
export /srv/backup
options vers=3
content backup
maxfiles 2

nfs: Crashplan_STORE
path /mnt/pve/Crashplan_STORE
server <ip_address>
export /srv/crashplan_1
options vers=3
content backup
Hi, can you test with pvetest repository ? I have made a patch to test if nfs storage if available.

I can try a test though have not used the pvetest repository can you point me to what I need to do? I actually have a empty pve 2.1 server that would be good for this.
Thanks.. I will do this if I can only install the patch, I do not want to run my full environment with test repositories as I still need this environment for migrating my vms from 1.9.

Is there a way to just install the patch, I can edit the config files if need be.