
  1. J

    LDAP query for security group members

    Hello I have been trying to implement security group query for the proxmox backup server for the realm auth with no success. on the PVE side everything works, and on back up side realm join and sync work but as soon as i try to implement queries against the security group it gives me syntax...
  2. S

    IPset or Security Group

    I'm trying to decide which is better for our SPAM firewall rules. What is your take on this? Which do you use?
  3. M

    Possible bug when renaming a security group

    Hello When I rename a firewall security group (on the cluster/dc level), it won't get renamed on the VM level and thus the security group no longer applies to that VM. Is that a bug or intended behaviour? Thanks.
  4. J

    Restrict access to LAN

    I'm experimenting with the Security Group feature for the first time. I've read the documentation but can't quite put my finger on it... I have a KVM running LMDE and want it to be able to access the internet, but not any devices on the LAN. The use case is to give users linux virtual machines...
  5. V

    [SOLVED] Can't SSH into and ssh-copy to the proxmox server from Ubuntu 20.04

    I am not able to ssh into the proxmox server I have tried copying the RSA pub_key to the remote server using this command. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ It says timed out. the UFW is disabled on the destination proxmox server. The firewalls are empty in the Proxmox Web...


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