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  1. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Well reinstalled thought I’d try a different ip but no nothing here’s a few install pics, one of the network config and ofc another of the browser error:
  2. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    I get that, just didn’t notice at first either thanks for pointing that out, so what should I set the proxmox ip to then?
  3. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Can someone show me how to edit /etc/hosts or should I just reinstall and misconfigure the network settings again?
  4. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Subnet should be, default gateway should be, correct?
  5. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    And the right subnet mask and gateway would be what?
  6. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Sure np what should I do differently for the network settings this time?
  7. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Tried on my iPhone and got "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding." Just tried it on chrome still win10 and got a similar error to the one in fire what do you guys think?
  8. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Yes I went to and I got the same error, what settings should I look for in Firefox?
  9. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    I think I can ping it from my windows machine ok what do you think based on this output?: C:\Users\EdNygma>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from...
  10. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Ok so I just reinstalled, set the ip to, Netmask to, gateway is, and any attempts to access give the same error message in Firefox I got before, what did I do should I reinstall again?
  11. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Would reinstalling be an easier fix, if so what would I need to do differently for the network settings this time besides entering an ip in the right range?
  12. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Here's the output I get for that: root@pve:~# ping -c 1 $(uname -n) PING pve.riddlefactory.node1 ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable --- pve.riddlefactory.node1 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100%...
  13. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Changed it, I know it's not working cuz it still says Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment. Please use your web browser to configure this server - connect to: but I changed /etc/network/interfaces so now it looks like: root@pve:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces...
  14. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Ok thnx appreciated I'm a newb (first successful installation) to proxmox but a long time linux user. Problem is I can't copy it remotely yet so I don't know how I'd paste the output with no gui on the server?
  15. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Sorry a little lost, can't find the wlan adapter settings so how would I go about doing it the first way?
  16. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Ethernet: Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local IPv6 Address...
  17. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Yeah it's the same address as the one in the screen and no it's not on another LAN, could it still be set to dhcp what do?
  18. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    I'm pretty sure they are, I know they're both in the 192.168 range but what would be the best way to verify that?
  19. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Sorry was having trouble taking the pic there we go:
  20. E

    How to login to proxmox?

    Some of you might remember seeing me on here whining about not being able to boot into my live usb recently... Well I finally figured it out, just installed it and I’m unable to login, if I’m logging in from Firefox on a windows 10 laptop and the proxmox ip address is...


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