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    Upgrade 7 to 8 lead to unable to mount root fs on unknown-block

    Hello I was upgrading my proxmox 7 to 8 following this tutorial I had no issue, then I rebooted and the server wont start With a vKVM i can see this error unable to mount root fs on unknown-block Any one can help me ? I'm on rescue atm and I...
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    How to add two disk in raid 1 ?

    Hi I already have a proxmox running with two disk on raid1 Just added two new disk to the server I would like to make the two new disk in raid1 software and then add them to proxmox Any one can explain me how to do it ? Thanks :)
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    Can't start LXC after transfer to new server

    Hi I just transfered my .raw disk of my container to my new server on a ZFSpool and I cannot start the container, here is the output: lxc-start 108 20210523134118.336 INFO lsm - lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init:40 - Initialized LSM security driver AppArmor lxc-start 108 20210523134118.336 INFO conf...
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    LXC resize failed, file too large

    Hi I cannot increment my LXC disk anymore, got a error from GUI qemu-img: Could not resize file: File too large LXC conf : arch: amd64 cores: 7 features: nesting=1,mount=nfs;nfs hostname: debian memory: 16000 net1...
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    How to shrink qcow2 disk when you can't copy it ?

    Hello I have a qcow2 disk with a empty partition to remove (about 6.5Tb to remove) but I don't have enough place on my host to make a copy using qemu-img convert. How could I achieve this ? Thank you
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    [SOLVED] WEB ui HOST shell always logged as root

    Hello, My host shell is always logged as root on the web UI. How could I avoid it ? Or at least logged with as a limited user and not root. Thanks.
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    proxmox 5 host keep crashing

    Hello My promox keep crashing randomly time to time, a hardware test as been done successfully, so the hardware is not in fault. I checked many logs but I didn't find any trace about the crash, and this is not the first time... In the syslog while the server is crashed there is some "<0x00>"...
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    Pveproxy rules are ignored

    Hello I added some rules to pveproxy but they are cleary ignored /etc/default/pveproxy ALLOW_FROM="" DENY_FROM="all" POLICY="allow" After restarting the service, I can still reach the web interface from outside localhost... Is there any one in the same case ? Thanks
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    Is proxmox using shared or dedicated ressources ?

    Hello, I would like to know if the ressources of VM or LXC are dedicated of is it the max possible to use per service? (aka shared) Thanks


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