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  1. L

    Routing an VM

    Hallo liebe Community, ich habe folgendes Problem: Mein Proxmox HV soll den gesamtem eingehenden traffic an eine VM weiterleiten. Diese bearbeitet dann den Traffic und routet / Nat(et) ihn weiter. Nun stoße ich allerdings an meine Grenzen. Ich habe zwar meiner Meinung Nach eine Hin- und...
  2. L

    ProxMox Webinterface binding?

    Hey there, I've been asking myself, how proxmox ve is binding the address for the Web-UI? With a clean install it's bound to the IP on the vmbr0, configured default by the installer. But what if I want it to listen to another IP? or even another vmbr ? Thanks ahead. Lukas
  3. L

    Routing all Traffic to Bridge/VM

    Hey there, I'm new to Proxmox and bridging in Linux. The thing I try: (IP Config over here) WWW <----> Public IP <-----> NIC <-----> vmbr0 <-------> Proxyserver <--------> vmbr1 <-----> VM's and Proxmox...
  4. L

    Windows Server 2012R2 VM does use only one Core

    Hey there, I've got the following setup: - Windows 10 -> VmWare -> ProxMox 5.2 -> WIndows Server 2012R2 This Setup is for a test purpose only on my PC but I've planned to use this on a VPS from an external Host. Because of this KVM is disable atm. My Problem: The Win2k12R2 VM is verry slow...


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