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  • Hi, I am not using drdb on my five servers. I read some information about it but I was not satisfied with way in which things works. But as many other hosters I am thinking about some kind of distributed storage with "zero" downtime migration VM between hw nodes and some form of disk mirroring and backuping and distributing somehow load between disks.

    I am willing to discuss this topic but it needs much time to get things to work properly and robustly. I didn't try to get drdb to work for myself yes but it sounds like good peace of technology. I have servers running with proxmox maybe only for two years so I am not professional. Just enthusiastic which takes care for small network with about 100 customers.

    What is exact problem with drdb on kernel 2.6.32?

    Fastest way to communicate for me would be ICQ. My number is 277158770.

    I have been trying to contact someone about getting drbd8 working on the kernel-2.6.32-budarin.1 kernel.

    I am sure I can get it working but I am having trouble setting up the dev environment on my proxmox machine. Can we get together and discuss this by mail, forum or even by phone (I have free phone access over 40 countries).

    If not, somehow point me in the right direction ...

    Scott Marlin
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