I just added the following resources to my source.list:
# HP Management Software
deb [URL]http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/downloads/ProLiantSupportPack/Debian[/URL] squeeze/current non-free
deb [URL]http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/psp/[/URL] lenny current/non-free
The lenny source is for the HPSM, I guess there is no dedicated source for Squeeze.
Btw : the installation of the HPSM failed to work on Proxmox 3.0. There are new binaries necessary for Debian 7, which are currently not officially available ! I receive a semgentation fault when I start the hpsmh.
It seems, that they are working on new packages for Wheezy, but currently available in a restricted area where just developer have access.